Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Photographers Report

Clyde Butcher 
          I like his style of photography, I think its very creative just because of the way he take his pictures and the type of camera he uses. I really like his landscape picture that are in some sort of swamp the are very interesting just because of the trees roots going all over the place.

           Part of the reason I like him so much is because he always shoots in black and white which is something I really like to do, I like to shoot picture in color and then in black and white or changing it to black and white just to see what it looks like.

 I also like that he doesn't use a traditional camera, he uses a Richard Ritter camera and a Deardorf camera, which I have never heard of but look really cool and take really good pictures. I also like that all of his pictures have amazing detail. All I found out about his history was that he and his wife started their photography work after his son was kill in an accident.

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