Tuesday, March 13, 2012


 <--This is one of my favorite picture that I took, it's rotated to the side so it looks kinda abstract. I changed it to black and white cause there wasn't much color and the color there was wasn't helping the picture. I took lots of pictures and had to narrow it down to the best ones and i think these three are the best. I don't know why that one spot is really bright but it looks cool.
Shutter: 1/400
Aperture: f/ 3.4
Focal Length: 9.4mm
ISO: 80
<--This is a really good one in my opinion I like that the ice one top is crystalizing and the back is darker and blurrier than the rest, (didn't really try to do that, just kinda happened) its also darker that the rest.
For some reason, some of the ice was really bright I think it was because of sun (it was really bright). Also black and white due to lack of color in the original.
Shutter: 1/160
Aperture: f/3.8
Focal Length: 11.6mm
ISO: 60
<--This one I kept in color because I think the color of the grass really helps to show what time of year it is. This one isn't really abstract but I still like it just because of the way the ice looks; sorta like it's class.
Shutter: 1/320
Aperture: f/4.8
Focal Length: 6mm
ISO: 80

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