Tuesday, May 29, 2012


This is my best friends little brother, Nathan, I love him he's so adorable. These are the really good ones but they don't really show his personality so I'll post some of the blurrier one later.

Shutter: 1/20
Aperture: f/2.7
Focal Length: 6mm
ISO: 160
Shutter: 0.033333
Aperture: f/2.7
Focal Length: 6mm
ISO: 134

This isn't really a portrait but I really like it.

Shutter: 0.066667
Aperture: f/3.8
Focal Length: 11.6
ISO: 100

Shutter: 1/20
Aperture: f/3.8
Focal Length: 11.6mm
ISO: 160

Shutter: 1/8
Aperture: f/3.8
Focal Length: 9.4mm
ISO: 240

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